We Offer



Design Services

We offer professional web design services at affordable rates to help your business attract more visitors and keep them on your site!

We start from structuring information architecture and mapping out functionalities. We start from structuring information architecture and mapping out functionalities.

We build digital shopping experiences to meet ambitious sales goals for your e-commerce business. We build sites to meet ambitious sales goals for your business.

Our professional app developers build custom mobile apps to assist in the growth of your business. Our professional app developers build custom mobile apps to assist in the growth of your business.

Culmination of website content and off-site presence to improve rankings in the major search engines. Culmination of website content presence to improve rankings in the major search engines.

Website Design


We offer a few standard packages as well as custom projects. Our web design company specializes in the professional creation of unique sites.

Landing page
$ 595.99
  • checkTerms - 3 days
  • check5 - 14 blocks
  • checkSocial links
  • check
  • check
  • check
App development
$ 795.99
  • checkTerms - 3 days
  • check5 - 14 blocks
  • CheckSocial links
  • CheckVideo/photo gallery
  • check
  • check
$ 995.99
  • checkTerms - 3 days
  • check5 - 14 blocks
  • checkSocial links
  • checkVideo/photo gallery
  • checkContact form, CTA
  • checkSEO package

Périmètre de livraison

Zone 1 : de 0 à 15 Km
Zone 2 : de 15 à 30 Km
Zone 3 : de 30 à 50 Km
Offre de fidélisation : la 11ème livraison est gratuite
Les départements concernés :
Seine et Marne (77)
Essonne (91)
Seine-Saint-Denis (93)
Val de Marne (94)
Val d'Oise (95)
Les livraisons sur Paris intra-muros et petite couronne ne sont pas prises en compte

Vos garanties

  • Un service de qualité à la hauteur de nos engagements
  • Un horaire de livraison respecté
  • Un taux de réussite et de satisfaction pour chaque livraison
  • Une couverture d'assurance des véhicules transportés allant jusqu'à 80 000 €.

PRESTIGE CAR SERVICES effectue ses prestations suivant le respect des règles sanitaires imposées

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